aka Spiritual Direction
Curious? Fill out the form below and I’ll send you a link to schedule a free, no judgement, no pressure, come-as-you-are trial session so we can see if it’s a good fit to continue meeting together.
Another way to describe Spiritual Direction is "holy listening." During our first session, I will explain more about what to expect, but the best way to prepare is to simply have an open heart and a desire to attune to God's presence in your life. Come as you are: whether stuck, doubting, overwhelmed, in transition, or even feeling content. This is not coaching or therapy. I hold space for you to slow down and notice God's loving presence in your life through listening and asking questions.
“While the phrase “spiritual direction” may sound a bit lofty, it is simply a relationship through which one person assists another in attending to the presence and call of God in all of life.... Spiritual direction is for anyone yearning for God. Sometimes this desire appears as a sense of longing for something greater or a sense of discontent with the status quo. For others this pining is more focused, rising from a clear understanding that a sense of God’s presence is missing from particular parts of life." - Richard Foster
"Spiritual direction is an ancient form of Christian soul care that goes back to the earliest days of the church… spiritual directors are not experts, nor do they direct. They do not follow a standardized curriculum or implement a prepackaged program. Rather, they journey with others who, like themselves, are committed to the process of spiritual transformation in Christ." - David G. Benner, Sacred Companions
How much does it cost ?
Your first session is free. After that, if you want to continue meeting, sessions are available for 50 minutes on a sliding scale from $25-$50 per session.
Most people choose to meet monthly or even every 2-3 weeks during a period of intense transition.
I am currently in the School of Spiritual Direction offered by Sustainable Faith. I will complete my program in the Spring of 2025.